Studying in a foreign country requires lots of hustling, perseverance and financial knowledge to manage your expenses. And international students migrating to different countries always look forward to landing part-time jobs which could help them to manage their finances, daily living expenses and tuition fee to some extent. In today’s blog, we have exclusively jotted down the hacks, part-time opportunities, per-hour wages as per the provinces, and other few details about part-time job opportunities in Canada.
Since Canada has been gaining so much popularity around the world for being one of the top 5 student destinations, it attracts students from all over the world, and it becomes utmost necessary for the incoming students to plan everything wisely before they arrive there in the country.
Table of contents:
Understanding the importance of part-time jobs
Types of part-time jobs
Minimum and maximum per-hour wages as per the provinces
Important websites and platforms
Understanding the importance of part-time jobs: other than helping the students to manage their finances and sustain their life in abroad countries, working part-time jobs will help you to build meaningful and real-life connections, which are not just limited to LinkedIn or any other social media. Another benefit of doing a part-time job will greatly shape your professional life and will help you to live independently.
Types of Part-time jobs: the students need to find an appropriate job as per their acquired skill set and have to learn how to negotiate the per-hour wages with the employers before they start working for them. Henceforth, students looking for the options to work part-time, need to pull their socks up and must gain as many skills as they can.
There are certain jobs that a student can work while studying in Canada, such as:
- Server/waiter: the availability of a server/waiter job in Canada or in any country for that matter is always going to be there. So, a student can easily locate such a job in the locality of their university or accommodation pretty easily and also can earn a decent amount of money through tips if not through per-hour wages.
- Tutor: if you love a particular subject and are passionate about talking or sharing the knowledge with others, tutoring could be a great way to earn money part-time. It is a great side hustle sort of a job and depending on the subject, you can always negotiate your per-hour wages with your students.
- Call centre representatives: if you have a talkative nature and love to chat to other people, working at call centres could be a nice option to earn some bucks while you are looking forward to some part-time jobs in Canada along with being an international student. The availability of such jobs is high, no matter which province you pick to study in Canada.
- Sales associate: this is sort of an entry level job in a corporate sector and well established businesses like IKEA always have openings for these kinds of jobs. So students, who are willing to work in big corporations in future can apply to these and build their professional career by starting out as a sales associate.
- Uber/Lyft driver: just like waiter/server jobs, this is also one of the most easily located part-time jobs to do while you are studying in Canada. All you need to do to land this job is to have a valid driver’s licence.
- Receptionist/front-desk executive: if you master the art of soft skills and have manageable communication skills too, you are perfectly eligible to be attending the incoming guests at hotels and restaurants.
Minimum and maximum per-hour wages as per the provinces:
Type of Job | Minimum/Maximum wage/hour | Highest in |
Server/waiter | Min: 12$ Max: 20$ |
Ontario |
Tutor | Min: 20$ Max: 50$ |
Ontario, Toronto, Saskatchewan |
Call centre representative | Min: 20$ Max: 26$ |
All over Canada |
Sales associate | Min: 16$ Max: 22$ |
Quebec Province |
Uber/Lyft driver | Min: 12$ Max: 22$ |
All over Canada |
Receptionist | Min: 16$ Max: 26$ |
Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta. |
Important websites and platforms: now comes the most crucial part of this blog, i.e., where to look for these jobs? Searching for an ideal part-time job which fits your location, your expected per-hour wage and your skill set can be tricky and difficult. But you need not to worry about it, here are some of the websites which can help you locate millions of part-time job openings, inquire about them and get connected with the employers directly.